Monday, August 10, 2009

monkey see, monkey do

4 days to 16 mths old...

caleb loves to imitate whatever we do, especially if you laugh or applaud, he will repeat the actions again and again...
after learning the 'act cute' action, his latest action is 'yeah' (with 2 hands up in the air) and with a big wide smile =)

during mealtimes, he is imitating me feeding him. he wants his own spoon and bowl and will 'feed' me as I feed him...

it is really fun being with him now as he is learning how to interact with us, play with us. weekend become very exciting and enjoyable with him.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

1st day of "school"

Caleb went for his first class today at gymboree at 14 1/2 month. it is the first of a 12 weeks class. well, it was not too bad for the 1st day of class but it was not as easy as mummy thought it would be. you wouldnt expect him to prefer to play alone at a corner while the rest of the class were doing something else. he did not like to follow instruction and did not do the things when he was told. at the age of 14 months, there should really be no expectation that he will understand and follow the class dilligently. this is a age of free play and hopefully thru the play and learn session, he will most importantly enjoy his time. if he can learn some skills, that's a bonus!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Caleb's 1st birthday


Though this is blogged late, better be late than never. It is an important milestone of Caleb's life.

Caleb's 1st birthday cake Caleb wtih ye ye, ma ma & relatives

Caleb with gong gong, po po, ah yis

Caleb probably wouldn't remember a single thing that happened that day but the party (on Apr 12) still went on to celebrate God's grace on Caleb's life. The love he receive from people around him is the testimony of God's love to him in his early childhood. Our prayer for Caleb is that he will continue to grow stronger each day and to know God at a young age. To know of God's will for his life and to love God with his heart, mind and soul.

Caleb celebrated the actual day with his 'twin' brother, Ranen.

Caleb & Ranen 1st visit to the zoo

And we ended the day at the Singapore Flyers

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy 11th Month - 1 month to 1st birthday

11month - 10kg; 75.8cm

Caleb is really mobile now. He can crawling around the house, walk anywhere he wants to as long as there is support. He loves to play with Gabriel's sound system, pull the cables.
Just the other day, he was playing with his cubes. A while later, I found that it was missing... but only to find out that he hid it in the hole in the subwoofer!!!

I also had a great thanksgiving that Caleb is getting more comfortable with strangers. I know he is changed by God! It was breakthrough that day when I brought Caleb to cell group with me. He sat through worship and the word discussion with us. =)

Next month we are going to celebrate his 1st birthday.

I will be posting some HongKong pictures shortly...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

9 months - standing tall and strong

9 Months - 9.6kg

At 9 months, Caleb could hold himself up and stand on his feet. And he simply loved doing that. Now he prefer standing and crusing around to sitting. This is the start of cannot-take-my-eyes-off-him period. He can move from point A to B very quickly and sometimes even try to let go of the support and end up falling on his bum.

oh by the way, Caleb has 4 teeth now. The teething period was difficult for him. He had running nose, fever and was very irritable. But now, he enjoy biting his biscuits and sometimes biting me!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Playful and Mischievous Caleb

Caleb @ 8 1/2 - Learning to Play

At 8 1/2 month, Caleb is really playful and mischievous. He already knows how to play small tricks on you and will give you his cheeky smile.

Lately, Caleb enjoy dropping things on the floor and seeing you pick them up, he will drop them again. He did not throw them like angry children, but he will secretly dropped them, and when you picked it up, he will give u the cheeky smile... like you had fallen into his tricks... what a mischievous boy... Caleb has also develop somewhat creative ways to get the things he want. Though he do not know how to crawl (or do not want to crawl), if he sees the toys he wants at a distance away, he will roll and turn and roll till he reaches the object, many a times, a remote control. We call him a remote controlled boy...

This is a period of long hols... Caleb explored a few places...

On Mon, I brought Caleb to Xplorer Kidz @ Downtown east with my collegues' children.

On Tues, we brought Caleb to Sentosa, just outside the kuofu foodcourt, there was an area where kids play with the 'water fountain'. These are just like water jets that are like water fountain and many kids are having fun there. Well, my little Caleb learnt to join in the fun. he reached out for the jets of water when they came out. Even though he disliked water getting into his eyes, he would close them tight but still continued the fun...

caleb playing with water

Caleb not enjoying still water... so......back to playing with spraying waterCaleb relax on the beachMusical Fountain show "Songs of the Sea"

It is exciting to see a kid changed and developed everyday.